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Taylor Farms

The Escape Artists-Goats!

the escape artists-goat up in tree

If you do not have a secure fence don't get goats. I guess that would be our advice to anyone thinking about getting goats. They are trouble makers and escape artists. If they fit they go! Even spaces that you do not think they will fit, somehow they do and get out. And when they get out they will eat your garden or flowers or your neighbors flowers or garden. Plus, most times they will get out at the most inconvenient time. Now we know that this is not always true, maybe your goats are the sweetest and will stay in their pasture or pen even if you leave the gate open (if your goats seriously do, please send us a comment telling us how you did it).

We use 4 foot sheep and goat fence for our main pasture. This type of fence has 4"X4" squares. We also have a wire on top that is electric. This should be good enough for most goats. You might find that you have a goat that can jump crazy high and hop right over it. Or if you have their shed or anything for them to play with in their pen make sure that it is far enough away from the fence so they do not jump on that and use that to jump over the fence.

We use electric netting fence as temporary fence to section off smaller pastures so we can rotationally graze them. Our temporary fence is only 3 feet tall. Most goats can easily jump this fence. However, they can be trained to respect it. We did have to get rid of the one goat that would jump this fence and then the others would follow. But as soon as she was out of the herd we have not had any problems, even with the ones that would follow her. With out their leader (bad leader) they stay in the 3 food fence just fine.

We have a creek in our pasture and each section for the goats has part of the creek in it. In some spots it has a tall bank on one side and a shallow bank on the other. This leaves a gap under the temporary fence. This was no problem when we first got our goats because most goats hate getting their feet wet. Now, they have learned that water will not hurt them and will go right through the water under the fence. So, now we have to tie extra electric ribbon onto the temporary fence letting it dangle close to the water to deter them from going right though it.

Even the smallest of gaps they will find. Make sure to check under the fence and under gates and secure them before your goats get out. Catching goats is not always the easiest thing to do so it is a good idea to prevent it so you don't have to catch them and fix it later.

If you have bucks and does and wish to keep them separate you will need extra strong and tall fencing. When the does are in heat and the bucks know it they will do crazy things to get to each other.

If you rotationally graze your goats keep a carful eye on how their pasture is growing and how much they eat. Move them to the next section before they get hungry and try to move themselves.

It is pretty much inevitable that if you own goats they will get out as some point in time. Because of this it is a god idea to teach your goats to follow a bucket of grain or some special treats. So, I guess this is your reminder (and ours) to go check the fences and gates for small spaces that a goat could fit and fix it before they find it.

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