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5 Horrifying Facts About Conventionally Raised Beef.

Taylor Farms

beef cattle in grass field

Everyone likes a nice juicy hamburger, maybe some steak, or roast beef. Meat is in high demand. However, mass production concentrated animal feeding operations and factory "farms" have greatly decreased the quality and health benefits of conventionally raised beef. Here are 5 horrifying facts about conventionally raised beef that you should consider.

5 horrifying facts about conventionally raised beef that you buy in the grocery store.

  1. The living conditions are gruesome for these cattle. They are crowded together on concrete floors which can quickly become a slop of feces and waste.

  2. These cows primarily eat grains, like corn, soy and wheat. Unfortunately as prices for corn continue to go up these conventional "farmers" and so called livestock nutritionists have found ways to cut corners and save money for themselves by feeding their cows candies like chocolate bars, ice cream, sprinkles, and even powered hot chocolate mix. The added sugars make the cattle fatten up faster making it a win win for the "farmer," but not for the consumer who is unaware of how unhealthy their meat is becoming.

  3. Because of the cattle's unhealthy diet and crowded living conditions diseases spread rapidly. Regular antibiotics are used to keep illness to a minimum. When you consume this beef you are most likely consuming trace amounts of antibiotics.

  4. Disease studies have shown that nearly half of the beef and poultry raised in factory farms in the US are infected with the staph bacteria. If consumed this bacteria can lead to bloodstream infections, pneumonia, and other life threatening infections. Because of the constant dosing of antibiotics to feedlot cattle, more then half of the S. Aureus bacteria, 52%, had become resistant to more than 5 different antibiotics.

  5. Hormones are used in conventional factory farming for faster growth so much so that these cattle reach full-size up to a year faster. Studies have shown that these hormones have an adverse effect on the consumer.

5 Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef
  1. These cattle are raised naturally out on pasture where they can run and soak up the sunshine. Not only do these cattle live a happy healthy life but it is also beneficial to the environment. With proper rotation cattle can maintain and fertilize the land that they graze.

  2. Because grass fed cattle have a healthier diet, switching to grass fed beef is a huge step toward a healthier diet for the consumer. Grass-fed beef has 2/3 less fat and calories than conventionally raised beef. This means if you ate an estimated amount of 66.5 pounds of beef in a year you would consumer over 17,000 less calories and most likely loose close to 6 pounds a year just by switching to grass-fed beef.

  3. Grass-fed cattle are antibiotic and hormone free. They do not need the constant supply of antibiotics to stay alive like factory farm cattle require.

  4. Grass-fed beef have 2 to 4 times more omega-3 fatty acid then grain-fed beef. Omega-3's are healthy fats. People that consume enough omega-3s are less likely to have high blood pressure or heart problems. They are also less likely to suffer from depression, schizophrenia, ADD, and even Alzheimer's disease.

  5. Meat from grass-fed cattle is very nutrient dense and a great source of protein. Because of the grass-fed cattle's healthy diet the meat is higher in B vitamins, vitamin D, and iron.

Grass fed beef is a healthy, nutrient dense option in comparison to conventionally raised beef. Know what you are eating, do your own research from trusted sources, and spread the word about the benefits of eating grass-fed beef.

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Oct 21, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Wow! Never going back to store bought meat!

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