Just because your rabbit likes certain food or plants does not mean that it is good for them. Here is a list of 19 things your rabbits should not eat.
Do not feed your rabbit:
1. Azalea (Rhododendron). If eaten it affects the heart and nervous system of the rabbit.
2. Foxglove. This is highly toxic to rabbits even in small amounts.
3. Hemlock. One of the most poisonous plants for rabbits and can cause death in a very short amount of time.
4. Chrysanthemums.
5. Bulbs. Such as Hyacinth, Bluebells, Orchids, Amaryllis, Daffodils, and Tulips.
6. Nightshade Plants. Including potatoes.
7. Rhubarb. In large quantities.
8. Yew. Causes sudden death if eaten.
9. Hydrangea. This is highly toxic and will cause organ failure.
10. Lily of the Valley.
11. Buttercups.
12. Holly.
13. Elder.
14. Poppy.
15. Aloe Vera.
16. Chocolate. The darker the chocolate the more toxic it is.
17. Fruit seeds and pits. They contain cyanide.
18. All dairy products. Rabbits are lactose intolerant. Yes, the baby rabbits do drink milk from their mother but as they grow and are weaned they become lactose intolerant.
19. Processed foods such as: bread, pasta, cookies, crackers, chips, etc. The high concentrate of carbohydrates and sugar in these products can upset the digestive system and cause abdominal discomfort and can cause long term health issues in your rabbit.
Good Rabbit Treats

1. Apple Tree Branches/Sticks. Rabbits love these for a tasty treat but it is also healthy for them. A rabbit's teeth are always growing so in order to keep their teeth in good shape they need a hard woody surface to keep their teeth trimmed. Here is a link to purchase your own. These apple sticks are from trees that have not been sprayed so they are safe for your rabbits to eat.
2. Cabbage leaves. They love the leafy greens, and even ornamental cabbages.
3. Sunflowers. The sunflower seeds and the leaves.
4. Parsley.
5. Leaf Lettuce.
6. Watermelon Rinds. This is our rabbit's favorite treat in the summer times. It helps keep they hydrated and is an excellent treat for lactating does. They will get an energy boost from the natural sugars and will help them in their milk production.
A rabbit's digestive system is very sensitive. When introducing something new for them to eat, start out slow. The ideas above are only treats. Your rabbit should have free choice hay and the appropriate amount of rabbit pellets as their main food supply.
How Much is too Much?
Here are some signs that your rabbit has had too much greens/fruits/veggies. They may have runny stool or diarrhea. Their urine may be an orange or reddish color. If your see these signs stop feeding them greens/fruits for a day or two to give their digestive system time to get back on track. Once you see that they are back to normal you can try introducing them back to the greens at a much lower quantity.